Where is the line between deserved criticism and targeted harassment? Is it, as one prominent scholar argued, “methodological terrorism” to call bullshit on a colleague's analysis? What if you use social media instead of a peer-reviewed journal to do so? How about calling bullshit on a whole field that you know almost nothing about? Pubpeer. Principles for the ethical calling of bullshit. The Dunning-Kruger effect. Differences between being a hard-minded skeptic and being a domineering jerk.
- Alan Sokal (1996) A physicist experiments with cultural studies. Lingua Franca 6:62-64.
- Jennifer Ruark (2017) Anatomy of a hoax. Chronicle of Higher Education
- Robert Service (2014) Nano-Imaging Feud Sets Online Sites Sizzling. Science343:358.
- Susan Fiske (2016) Mob Rule or Wisdom of Crowds? APS Observerpreliminary draft. Also read commentaries [1] and [2].
- Michael Blatt (2016) Vigilante Science. Plant Physiology 169:907-909.
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